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minor 🧪 he/she entp
4w3 scorpio [nov 16]

GO AWAY (¬_¬;)
proship, over 19, endogenic systems/mixed origin systems
MY LOVES (≧◡≦)
koi fish, futurama, rick and morty, gta v, internet horror
+ NAMES ( ◡‿◡ )
oleander, rigby, schlatt, seven, garcello, otsukin, lapis lazuli
MUSIC I LIKE ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
mindless self indulgence, idkhbtfm, marina, roar, abba, paul simon, badfinger, sweet
I SEE DEMONS (×_×)⌒☆
respectfully doctor, i am an investor, an entrepreneur, a solitary practitioner of sexual magic, and a freelance graphic designer, not a, as you claim, “cognitively delayed schizoid”.

( Made with Carrd )